Powhatan High School’s SGA (Student Government Association) is all about the school and local community. The group sets up homecoming, powderpuff, the community blood drive, and around the holidays the group shops for the Powhatan Christmas Mother.
The Christmas Mother is a local non-profit organization that raises money to donate christmas gifts to children and senior citizens in need. It started in 1967 and has been supporting the Powhatan community ever since. The Christmas Mother partners with local businesses such as the 1933 Public House and Three Crosses Distillery to bring in donations.
Every year SGA shops for people in our community who are in need around the holidays. Members of the group meet at Walmart after school and everyone is assigned someone to shop for. Members receive a list of everything the child or senior citizen wants or needs and then they pick what to buy.
The presents bought will then be wrapped by the club too. SGA meets after school to sort and wrap all the gifts before they are delivered to the homes of the recipients.
This year the club bought everything from bathrobes to mugs and candles to tricycles and barbie dolls . Many people that the presents are bought for also need lots of essentials like clothes, shoes and blankets. Even though it is a holiday sometimes the only things people want are the things that we might take for granted having.
A lot more people in our school and community are struggling to make ends meet than we may realize. If you would like to join the SGA in helping those members of our community who may be struggling, participate in SGA’s fundraisers and events.
If you would like to give back to the Christmas Mother directly you can donate on their website or head out to Fine Creek Brewing or Maxey’s store where proceeds will be donated to the Christmas Mother.