When it comes down to saving wildlife, the top enemy for most animals are Humans. Humans hunted, invaded, and destroyed animal habitats for years and in return the climate has been changing.
What is Climate change? Climate change is when the temperature shifts as well as the weather patterns, typically caused by fossil fuels such as coal or oil. This is able to happen because of the greenhouse effect. The Greenhouse effect traps certain gases such as carbon dioxide. Carbon dioxide traps heat within our atmosphere and causes the planet to warm up.
An example of this happening is the planet Venus. What once looked like a planet to possibly inhabit, it was later discovered to be the hottest planet in our solar system. They became the hottest planet in our solar system with the greenhouse effect. Their whole atmosphere is made up of 96% carbon dioxide.
How do we limit climate change? You can change the way you travel, we can slow down the amount of electricity that we use, or watch what foods we eat. Less meat in your diet wouldn’t only save animals, but also save your ecosystem to live another year. It would also require less energy, land, and water. Climate change may be inevitable, but if we can work together, we can lessen the damage to our planet.