In a time like this, an orange man in office deporting people against court orders, a suspicious “hand gesture” at the presidential inauguration, and so, so much more, it’s not a good idea to focus entirely on this. It’s possible to keep yourself free of stress (or at least have less) while still being politically informed and not doomerist. So here’s a few tips to keep the stress levels down in this rough time.
1: Limit your time watching or reading the news
If you’re like me, I get it. You want to know everything going on in your country as it does matter after all, but hey, wait. Spend less time on it. Do you wake up and turn on the morning news, listen to first up podcasts, or browse news pages on Twitter (Now known as X)? Try to cut back, the effect it has on your stress levels is genuinely amazing.
I recommend setting a time limit. Wait until you’re done with all already stressful tasks in the day, so after work, or school, or after you’ve done the chores, and then you can get on your preferred news outlet and watch, listen or scroll through for thirty minutes.
2: Do your best to be mindful where you share your political beliefs.
It’s stressful as all to have to debate with someone on something you think is an objective fact or truth. So if you want to vent about politics and not spark arguments, do it privately, in a safe space online, or with a close friend or family member. Of course, ask before you start to vent, some folks might not wanna hear a word about politics right now.
3: Try to be open to other views.
This is not me telling you that your beliefs are wrong and to listen blindly to everyone, but if you’re more open and less bristly about politics (hard as that may be), you’ll easily become less stressed as it’s no longer a debate but a calm talk.
If you get mad, or heated, or whatever word, just leave. IT IS NOT WORTH YOUR TIME, to spend it arguing and being stressed.
Honestly, that’s about all I have for you here, keep these in mind as we navigate through life together yeah? Stress isn’t good no matter how you spin it.