Daylight savings time just happened on Sunday, March 9th and it plans to continue through until Sunday, November 2nd, 2025. What is daylight savings time and why should I care, you may ask? Well, I am glad you asked! Daylight savings time is simply when the clocks advance ahead during the warmer months in order to benefit from the natural daylight. The time typically only advances an hour and moves back in the fall.
Now you may have heard of daylight savings time, but why would it be important? It is significant to our society mainly because it aims to use as much sunlight during daytime as possible. It would help us save energy and push us to go outdoors more. It also has been proven that daylight savings time overall promotes driving effectively, although daylight savings time makes people more restless and can increases the chances of having a stroke, heartattack, and reduces productability, but where did it come from? Why was it created?
Long ago, it had been created on March 19, 1918, during World War 1, originally created by Germany. Kenneth Wright had gathered information and discovered that it was a good way to save energy during this period of time. The U.S had eventually adopted the idea, but Germany decided to drop the wartime measure only a year later. This is why we now have daylight savings time!