Last Friday 3/7 PHS hosted the final pep rally of the year, the spring pep rally. Spring sports teams were recognized, including baseball, lacrosse, tennis, and soccer. Powderpuff players and cheerleaders were also recognized along with the senior class.
The junior and senior Powderpuff cheerleaders both performed their routines. The routines are created and coached by both the cheerleaders and the dance team. The Juniors and Seniors put on amazing performances and wowed the crowd with awesome dance moves and cool tricks.
Then the Powderpuff players faced off in the classic pep rally competition, tug of war. Freshman and Sophomores competed and the Sophomores got a victory. Then Juniors and Seniors faced off and the Seniors secured the win. Then the Sophomores and Seniors went head to head and ended with a victory for the senior class.
A new spring pep rally tradition that was started last school year was back for a second time- Ro Sham Bo. This is where students are given 1 necklace at the beginning of the school day and have rock paper scissors battles with fellow students and staff members. Whoever wins gets the other person’s necklaces.
At the end of the day before the pep rally, the person with the most beads in each 7th block class gets a golden ticket. At the pep rally, every student with a golden ticket was called down to the floor for the final Ro Sham Bo battle. Students from all grades battled it out until only 2 remained. Jacob Ogo and Dylan Eberts faced off, and Jacob secured a win for the Junior class.
Finally, all the classes participated in the spirit competition, with each grade giving their all, but ultimately the Seniors took home one last final pep rally win.