On February 23rd-29 2025, it is said to be the Planet Parade! A planet parade or planetary alignment is when the following planets: Mars, Jupiter, Uranus, Neptune, and Saturn (later Mercury) will be visible with the naked eye. Since the planets all orbit the sun on the same plane, it isn’t uncommon to see them line up, though it isn’t possible to always see them line up at the same time.
It is typically common to see 2 or 3 planets at most lined up in the sky, however, it is rather uncommon to see 7 planets at once! Nasa had stated that it is much less common to see four or more planets, and that it doesn’t happen every year. Planetary alignment only happens every 39.6 years!
Shortly after sunset, the planets will appear to have a subtle arc across the sky. Jupiter will set at approximately 6:30 pm, GMT/EST in both the UK and in the US as for Mercury, (being on the lower scale of the horizon), will disappear from view by around 7:00 pm GMT/EST. Venus, Mars, and Juniper will be the easiest to spot, with Venus being the brightest planet in the sky, shining twice as bright as the north star!
image credit: https://skyandtelescope.org/astronomy-news/planets-parade-with-crescent-moon/