On 1/24 Powhatan High school had their annual winter pep rally. This is the third one of the year. So far this year we have had both our fall sports pep rally as well as our homecoming pep rally that were both a great success.
At this pep rally colors were as followed: freshmen grey, sophomores light blue, juniors white, and seniors navy blue. This pep rally was also to showcase all of our winter school activities. These include basketball, wrestling, swimming, robotics, indoor track, and the Medford league basketball team.
During this pep rally students took part in two games. The first one was a balloon really race against all the sports teams. The swim team ended up winning this one. The second game was what some know as trash the yard. During this game it is two grades against one another with four players on each side. They have one minute to throw as many “snowballs” to the other side as possible the one with the most on their side at the end lose. In this game the seniors ended up winning.
Overall this pep rally was another success. In the end the freshmen ended up winning and have claimed the spirit stick!