Last week was a big surprise, we actually got the amount of snow the weather man was calling for! Powhatan hasn’t seen this weather in awhile, leaving us out of school for a week and it was still snowing.
To determine if we will have a 2 hour delay or school closure, the school division’s workers go out to check the roads early in the morning, around 3:30-4:00 AM. They may also consult with the other schools and surrounding counties to make that decision.
According to the forecast, on January 20 we are expected to have some snow. These snow days may be fun and relaxing, but it can also be an issue for the school and our education. If we go over the amount of days we can miss for snow, the days we already have off can be taken away.
There is a rare occasion where, if we miss over 5 days of school due to the snow, the governor can call a “state of emergency.” That means we won’t have to make up the days that we missed only if the Bored of Education waivers the requirement that the school division provide teaching days or teaching hours to determine a closing requirement.
For more information visit, Powhatan Schools Closing or https://law.lis.virginia.gov/admincodefull/title8/agency20/chapter521/