Morgan’s Message is a club here at Powhatan to honor the life and Legacy and Morgan Rodgers. This club aims to help athletes who struggle with mental health and end the stigma surrounding it. Powhatan is one of many schools who run a chapter of Morgan’s Message.
The club was founded by Peyton Wirt and sponsored by Mrs. Tyson and Mrs. Rehme. There are also returning ambassadors such as Ava Seay, Mazie Harmon, as well as myself (Hailey Ragland) that help run the club.
Though the school year just started the club is already expanding. We have had 10 new ambassadors join to help spread the message and over 200 kids signed up for the club at the club fair. The first meeting of the year was also packed with new faces. Future meetings are to be held in a bigger space due to the large number of attendance.
During the first meeting we welcomed new members while seeing returning faces from the previous year. During this meeting students took part in making butterflies with quotes that are now hung up around school and wrote quotes, athletes who have struggled with mental health, and resources if you are struggling on the window in the main alcove of the school.
There have been two dedication games so far this fall season. Volleyball had theirs early on against Cosby and field Hockey just recently against Moncanca both of these schools also have chapters of Morgan’s Message at their school. During these games a speech was given to inform people about the goal of Morgan’s Message and tell people who Morgan was. These also serve as a way to raise money for the club since donations are taken at these games.
They have also held two information tables at lunch partnering with school counseling as well as Members of Nurse AID. These tables were to recognize suicide awareness month as well as mental health awareness day. At these tables resources as well as information is provided about these topics. Morgan’s Message also had a table at the first ever homecoming bonfire and will also be taking part in The Trunk or Treat held today October 25.
The year is just beginning and this club has had so many events. Throughout the year look out for more dedication games as well as various other events and meetings.