This week Marks the start of the bullying prevention week at PHS. Bullying is an important topic to talk about and it can take place in many different forms. It is also important to know if you or someone else is facing bullying to let someone know.
Bullying is defined as the repetitive, intentional hurting of one person or group By another person where there is a power imbalance. There are 3 main types of bullying we talk about in school and this includes: physical, verbal, and cyber bullying. Physical bullying is using one’s body or objects to hurt another. An example of this would be pushing or hitting another person. Verbal bullying is using words to hurt some like slandering, saying abusive remarks, or shouting at others in public. Cyberbullying is bullying with the use of a technological device. This can take place through social media, messaging platforms, or any online site.
Bullying takes place in many different forms in school without us realizing it. Nowadays kids often use their cellphones to bully others, but examples in the school building commonly seen are spreading rumors and gossiping. If you ever see or experience bullying there are plenty of people in the building to talk about and who should be informed if bullying occurs.
This week at PHS we are addressing this issue. Each day they will share important information about bullying to help people understand and know how to address it. Counseling is also partnering with the kind club this Wednesday October 16th to host a table at lunch. At the table they will allow students to sign a pledge against bullying and the kind club will be giving out bracelets. On this day the school also asks all students to wear orange in honor of bullying prevention week.