Many people overlook Memorial Day because they do not know what it is honoring. Memorial Day is an annual holiday in May, and this year it falls on May 27. This national holiday is important because it is honoring those who have died serving our country.
Memorial Day is very important to veterans who served with those who can’t be with them today. It is also for loved ones of veterans to honor their wife/husband, mom/dad, sister/brother, or other relationship they had to them.
During this time it is important to remember those who have lost their lives fighting for our country. We need to be mindful of those who have lost someone that fought to keep our country safe.
Many people with loved ones in the service are stuck with the fear of losing them. Memorial Day can make it very real for them and make them realize that there is a real possibility of their loved ones not coming home safe.
If you want to do something to show your respect for those who’ve died for us and you don’t have a relative that was in the service, you can go to a war memorial and bring flags and flowers for our fallen heroes.