Hamilton Hits the Altria!
April 23, 2023
Last Tuesday, April 11, Broadway musical, “Hamilton,” opened at the Altria Theatre in Richmond, Virginia. Besides a brief 18 minute intermission, the play runs for 2 hours and 45 minutes. This award winning Musical did not disappoint the locals of Richmond.

The author of Hamilton, Lin-Manuel Miranda, wrote this broadway hit and it originally debuted on January 20, 2015. One fact many audience members or fans of the musical praise about is that the musical is historically accurate.
Main character, Alexander Hamilton is played by Pierre Jean Gonzalez at the Altria. Gonzalez was floored the first time he saw the play, and dreamed of playing star, Hamilton. Shortly after, in October of 2019, his dreams came true and he started starring as Alexander.
Hamilton playing at the Altria has revamped the musical and it has grown more popular locally! The musical’s last day at the Altria is April 23.