Excitement running through our Blood!
February 7, 2023

Friday, February 4th, The Student Government Association hosted the annual PHS Blood Drive.
The Blood drive began at 8 in the morning and finished late in the afternoon, after a full day of donations.
The process of donating blood went very smoothly. Mr. Miller and Ms. Wilson were very impressed with the turnout. “We have done this every year prior to the pandemic and it is known to be one of the largest blood drives in central Virginia,” said Ms. Wilson. Student Government leaders were very pleased with how everything went at the blood drive.
After donating, the donor got snacks and beverages. This was done to refresh themselves and prevent feeling unwell. Some of the “crowd pleaser” snacks were Oreos! This was a fun way to help students to not pass out due to their lack of blood.
Lastly donors were given a grey long sleeve American Red Cross shirt to thank them. The Blood Drive was a huge success and The Student Government Association is very excited that it is picking back up since the pandemic. Many lives will be saved because of the thoughtful donors!