Science Olympiad Competition
February 2, 2023
This past Saturday, January 28, The Powhatan High School Science Olympiad Club attended their first competition of the season. The competition took place at Charlottesville High School. Leaving Powhatan at six in the morning, the club was off and dreaming of success. The club has two competitions this year, one that is hands on, and one that is written.
The club was faced with hardship when their two club sponsors had the inability to continue sponsoring the club for the 2022 and 2023 season. Fortunately, STEM teacher, Marcellus Beasley,

became the new sponsor of Science Olympiad. Beasley has hosted weekly meetings for the club members so they can utilize his help and student support!

The Competition started at roughly nine in the morning. There were three events the students participated in on Saturday, It’s about time, Trajectory, and Bridge. For, It’s about time, Summer Kantanen and Rachel Webb were questioned and needed to answer in a specific time. They constructed a non- electrical device that can keep time in the form of intervals. For, Trajectory, Karley Burd built a catapult that contracted objects. She had to direct an object to a given space. For, Bridge, Hannah Kantanen and Lacie Taylor built a bridge and it had to sustain weight and time. The students felt like their events went well and will receive results soon!
President, Reagan Hansen, and Vice President, Karley Burd, were very pleased with the team’s time at the competition and feel like it went very well. The team is eager and optimistic for the results of this competition. The time has their next competition on Saturday, February 11!