Orchestras Fantastic Fall Concert

Lilyana Hamilton, Staff Reporter

     On November 10 the Orchestras of Powhatan schools had their annual fall concert. The performance started at 7pm. For the first time in years the auditorium was almost full! Unlike years before where the orchestra only had a few students for each grade, more kids are joining and creating a bigger impact. 


The Beginning Orchestra (6th grade)  doesn’t have as much experience as the other performers therefore they plucked their strings instead of using the bow. They played some pieces from their essential elements book, all based on the first few things they learned in the class.


Next up was the Intermediate/Advanced (7th&8th)  performers; they were on the edges of their seats before performing. Despite being after Halloween, one of their most memorable pieces was a spooky arrangement that sounded much like music gone wrong, but was very much intriguing. 


Lastly was the Chamber Orchestra (9th-12th )only consisting of 10 members. Many people were excited to hear the Mandalorian theme song being played as their first song.  However, that wasn’t the only surprise, for their last piece included percussion. But there were no students on these instruments, insead it was the music faculty. 

Overall the concert was a major success and everyone can’t wait until the next one.

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