Underlying Themes in Jordan Peele’s horror trilogy (GET OUT) SPOILERS!
October 6, 2022
Jordan Peele is a writer and director of Get Out, Us, and Nope these horror films offer more than a good scare. These movies address serious issues in subtle, tasteful ways.
In the first film of this movie trilogy, Chris, the main character, is going to meet his girlfriend’s (Rose) family for the first time. Chris is nervous because he’s the first black boyfriend Rose has had, she reassures him that they don’t care and he will be okay. On the way to Roses family’s house, Rose hits a deer she calls the police. The police officer asks Chris for his ID, Rose freaks out telling the police officer he wasn’t driving. The police officer ends up leaving and they keep going to the house.

They arrive the house is a huge plantation house with only black workers, this just reminds us that everything that happened to African Americans in the past is over but its still intertwined in our present. The movie shows these themes more and more in the movie till you learn that Rose’s family does procedures to steal black bodies. Chris finding this all out is hypnotized and sunken into a dark place, that’s endless. This is a metaphor for how marginalized African Americans can be. How sometimes as much as they scream and try to be heard they are silenced.
After Chris is hypnotized into the dark place, he wakes up and is tied up to a chair and left in a room. Chris picks cotton out of the chair and plugs his ears to not hear the hypnotist. The symbol of slavery is flipped on its head to be his tool of escape. He fights his way out of the house killing Dean the main doctor doing these procedures, Chris kills Dean with a deer head. Dean earlier in the movie talked about how he hated deer and they were taking over everything and wished they were all dead. I think the deer means something more to Dean, I feel as if Dean thinks of African Americans as he does deer, he feels the need to hunt them and keep them as a trophy.
Get out talks about a lot of things and I think nails all of them, rewatching it you learn new things. Like Rose only got mad at the police officer because she didn’t want his name on the police database. Jordan Peele’s genius behind this movie is unhinged, memorizing and compelling.
Amy • Oct 6, 2022 at 11:08 am
Nice review! This movie sounds so unique and interesting.